Meet the Bobbl Team
Every now and then we like to give you a sneak peak behind the scenes at Bobbl HQ. This week we want to introduce you to Eleanor – one of our Content Managers
What is your favourite thing about bobbl?
The bobbls really are the fluffiest things I have ever seen! There’s so many to choose and that’s what makes Bobbl stand out – the huge variety in combinations.
Where do you see yourself wearing the brand?
I love skiing but also have a tendency to get cold so one of the classic hats is a must for the slopes.
Who would you love to see wearing a Bobbl Hat?
I’m obsessed with Tom Hardy but that seems a bit far-fetched so I’d have to choose Alicia Vikander, she’s so beautiful and such a great actress. I think she would look great in one of the berets!
Which is your favourite product?
The berets! I used to wear them when I was little and I’m glad they’re making a comeback.